Morning Mashup 08/11


11 articles for your information, edification, and enjoyment. Have a great Monday!

3 Opportunities for Gospel Outreach in Public Schools – How can Christian teachers and churches engage public schools with the gospel under our current laws.

Even Ghengis Khan Didn’t Do This – The Islamic State is on a rampage to ethnically and religiously cleanse Iraq. They are proving themselves one of the most ruthless terrorist groups in history.

5 Things You Can Actually Do to Help Christians in Iraq – The crisis in Iraq is raging and is showing no signs of ceasing. In the meantime, here are five practical things that you can do to help.

How Should We Respond to Ann Coulter’s Article on the Ebola Doctor? – Matt Perman addresses the popular claim among Donald Trump and Ann Coulter that Dr. Brantly wasted his life serving in Africa. With so many problems in our own nation, is it foolish to serve the least of these across the world?

Tracking Christian Sexual Morality in a Same-Sex Marriage Future – Churchgoing Christians who support same-sex marriage are more likely to think pornography, cohabitation, hook-ups, adultery, polyamory, and abortion are acceptable.

Tolerate or Be Stamped Out – Erick Erickson: “Enormous energy is being expended by the left in America to make Christianity and Christians unacceptable… One thing is for sure — a faith that survived its followers being used as torches to light the streets of Rome will survive a modern age hell bent on ruthlessly stamping it out.”

The Right War – Ross Douthat: “So our intervention in northern Iraq has a limited, attainable objective: Push ISIS back toward the Sunni heartland, allow its victims to seek refuge in Kurdish territory and increase the Kurds’ capacity to go on offense against the caliphate.”

5 Reasons You Ought to Consider Buying the ESV Reader’s Bible – Denny Burk offers five compelling reasons for buying the ESV Reader’s Bible.

A Welcomed Breakthrough With Campbellsville – While it is encouraging Campbellsville is willing to come to the table to discuss the future relationship between the university and the KBC, the details of such a relationship are still unknown.

David Platt on Global Christian Persecution – David Platt sits down with Daniel Darling of the ERLC to discuss how the church should understand Christian persecution worldwide.

What Rory’s Rise Means – Rory McIlroy has won three PGA tournaments in a row, including two majors (The Open Championship and the PGA Championship). He is by far the best golfer in the world. Tiger seems to be fading, but the future of golf is bright with Rory leading the way.

Not [Christ’s] death alone..but his entire life was an act of self-denial, a self-offering presented by him as head in the place of his own. –Herman Bavinck

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