Morning Mashup 01/02


Good Books Can Increase Brain Function? – “The new research, carried out at Emory University in the US, found that reading a good book may cause heightened connectivity in the brain and neurological changes that persist in a similar way to muscle memory.”

How to Change Your Mind – Joe Carter suggests changing your worldview is a good way to start the new year: “The beginning of a New Year is an an excellent time to try something new. As you make your list of resolutions and goals I want to recommend adding a simple four step process that could transform your life by, quite literally, changing your mind.”

Dads, Write in Your Bible – Jonathan Parnell encourages dads to “get a new Bible with margins and walk from Genesis to Revelation, sketching devotional insights and prayers for your kids, that you will then give to them one day.

Engaging the New Atheism – A podcast featuring Christian theologians discussing the development, philosophy, and problems with New Atheism.

Jesus On Every Page – A review of a very important book on seeing and savoring Christ in all of Scripture.

Is the Enemy of My Enemy My Friend? – Evangelical Christians face many dilemmas and have many enemies in the public square. But Albert Mohler questions whether the enemies of our enemies are in fact our friends. “So, are the other enemies of our enemies our friends? Mormons, Roman Catholics, Orthodox Jews, and a host of others share many of our enemies in this respect. But, to what extent is there a unity among us?”

[T]he new tolerance regularly smuggles into the culture massive structures of thought and imposes them on others who disagree, while insisting that the others are the intolerant people. –D.A. Carson